3D Printer


Arranged by:
Irfan Sabdho Musthofa
Kevin Aditiya Sadewo
Nabil Jelang Ramadhan
Nur Irfan Fadilah
Rosiyana Dwi Anggarani
Syahrul Arifin
Zainul Faden

Teknik Informatika



The need to print no longer just on paper. Advances in technology can realize what is in your imagination into a more tangible form and can be felt by touch. The presence of 3D printers answer the needs will print a digital design into a real product. 3D printer is the process of making a three-dimensional solid objects from a digital design into a 3D shape that is not only visible but also held and has volume. 3D printer is achieved by using an additive process, in which an object is created by laying successive layers of material. 3D printing is a different process than traditional machining techniques (subtractive process) is largely dependent on the removal of material by drilling, cutting and others.

In contrast to the conventional technology. To create an object, it takes a long and complicated process to make the first molding tool (mold, die, cast). This of course requires investment mold less economical if only to make one object. 3D Printer is a remarkable new technology. While we have not finished admiring printer products 2D which may result in amazing image quality or can produce works of 2D unique like a sticker, printer DTG for garments and others, then some technicians great in this world has been able to create a printer that can print object or objects in the 3D view. Resin made up of stainless steel made from iron.


If judging from history, the actual 3D printer technology has been around since the 1980s. 3D printing was first implemented by the inventor of the 3D system that Charles Hull in 1984. Then in 1986, Hull put forward the idea of ​​stereo lithography, a method of making solid objects by printing a thin layer and arranged in increments.

Two years later, in 1988, British inventor Scott Crump found the technology Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is a method of making prototypes with material melting process. Technology found Crump has an important role in the development of 3D printing technology, which is able to transform into a soft solid material.

In 1993, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed a 3D printer technology with a patented three-dimensional printing techniques that modify the two-dimensional printer technology. And in 1996, the 3D printer is produced by Z Corp., Stratasys and 3D Systems, which subsequently exhibited to the public for the first time.

Since that time, a 3D printer capabilities are increasingly being developed, especially in terms of printing results. In 2003, the use of 3D printers are increasingly extensive and covers a wide range of fields. From the start the field of architecture, automotive, furniture, aerospace, medical, to education. From there comes a variety of open source software is even easier for the 3D printing process.


What is 3D printing?
3D printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the entire object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object.
1.      Ability to customize products
Customization is the norm when it comes to 3D printing. With the desired raw material, a 3D printer, and the required blueprint, you can “manufacture” any object you want, with the specifications and design of your choice.
2.      Rapid production of prototypes
3D printing enables quick production of prototypes or small-scale versions of the real object. This helps researchers and engineers plan the actual object and catch any design flaws that may affect quality and functionality.
3.      Low cost of production
Although the initial cost of setting up a 3D printing facility may be high, the overall savings in the form of labor costs, time saved, and equal effort for small-scale and mass manufacturing ensures that the cost of production is relatively low.
4.      No storage cost
Since 3D printers can “print” products as and when needed, and does not cost more than mass manufacturing, no expense on storage of goods is required.
5.      Increased employment opportunities
Widespread use of 3D printing technology will increase the demand for designers and technicians to operate 3D printers and create blueprints for products.
6.      Quick availability of organs
The long and often traumatic wait for an organ donor could come to an end with advances in bio-printing or manufacture of 3D printed organs. Research is on to create bio-printers that can create living organs along with the structural lattice for the organ using the patient’s own cells and tissues.
1.      Intellectual property issues
The ease with which replicas can be created using 3D technology raises issues over intellectual property rights. The availability of blueprints online free of cost may change with for-profit organizations wanting to generate profits from this new technology.
2.      Unchecked production of dangerous items
Liberator, the world’s first 3D printed functional gun, showed how easy it was to produce one’s own weapons, provided one had access to the design and a 3D printer. Governments will need to devise ways and means to check this dangerous tendency.
3.      Limitations of size
3D printing technology is currently limited by size constraints. Very large objects are still not feasible when built using 3D printers.
4.      Limitations of raw material
At present, 3D printers can work with approximately 100 different raw materials. This is insignificant when compared with the enormous range of raw materials used in traditional manufacturing. More research is required to devise methods to enable 3D printed products to be more durable and robust.
5.      Cost of printers
The cost of buying a 3D printer still does not make its purchase by the average householder feasible. Also, different 3D printers are required in order to print different types of objects. Also, printers that can manufacture in color are costlier than those that print monochrome objects.
Having been around for the last decade or so, 3D printing could be the technology of the future. Engineers and technology enthusiasts are cautious about its future; however, every big thing met with opposition and criticism initially.


Learning can benefit from physical manipulation. At Sculpteo we always use this phrase “An idea in the hand is better than 10 ideas in the head” and there’s a lot of subjects where learning becomes easier when you get it out of the books or off of the screens. 3D printing naturally fits into curricula in areas where students are required to exercise critical thinking, problem solving and design skills. In order to illustrate these 2 ideas, we just gathered a few examples from our clients and this info graphic from Onlinedegrees.org on how 3D printing could be used in education.
Math students can print out “problems” to solve in their own learning spaces, from scale models to city infrastructural design challenges. The 3D Prints of functions and fractals makes it easier to understand these concepts and astonishing shapes.  The scientist Georges W Hart has been leading hands-on workshops for mathematics teachers across the US and internationally, introducing them to the techniques needed to use consumer-level 3D printers to enrich a math classroom. He stated “Workshop participants are given a series of progressively more complex design challenges and are also asked to come up with their own individual objects of interest to create. (…) These techniques empower teachers and students to create physical versions of anything that can be described mathematically with algebraic, trigonometric, and Boolean functions. They introduce students to the creative side of mathematics and provide a powerful motivation for learning the details.
What if you could take data from any spreadsheet and bring it into the physical world; population growth, international spending, or even popular vacation spots? Production of topography, demographic, or population maps in 3D is changing the way students are learning geography. Volker Schweifurth is one of the explorers of this new field and explained in an previous article on our blog the benefit of 3D Printed Data vision:  “Regarding final thoughts for ‘Melies Art’ I’d just like to share with your readers that these data prints are teaching tools and art pieces; but at the core, these prints are a way to slow down the quick pace that we receive data. By making data tangible and literally touch-able it makes a bigger impression on you.
Chemistry students can print out 3D models of molecules and biology students can print out cells, viruses, organs, and other critical biological artifacts. The 3D printed reproduction allows the pupils, especially the most kinesthetic of them, to understand a process or how it works. For instance this brain replica is an appropriate tool for students to understand the neurologic activity.

·         3D Printing in Architecture
Create Your Scale Models Faster. Seeing is believing. Stratasys 3D Printing helps architectural firms seize more opportunities by creating complex, durable models in-house, directly from CAD.
Stratasys 3D printing technology produces astonishingly smooth, detailed architectural models in an array of materials, including rigid photopolymers ready for painting and finishing.
·         3D Printing In Automotive
Create Assembly Aids & End Use Parts. By building durable concept models, prototypes, tooling and low-volume end-use parts in-house, automotive engineers and designers can work more iteratively, test more thoroughly and move confidently into production.
Designers use Stratasys patented Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Technology to create resilient automotive prototypes and parts made from high-performance engineering thermoplastics
·         3D Printing in Aerospace
Get Your Parts Off the Ground Faster. Aerospace engineers use Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Technology for prototyping, tooling and part manufacturing. FDM works with high-performance thermoplastics, including ULTEM 9085, to build jigs, fixtures, check gauges & end-use parts.
Stratasys FDM machines create parts with temperature, chemical, UV, and environmental resistance, plus they don’t absorb moisture. Those properties will give you an advantage over many of the other printing systems.
·         3D Printing in Medical
Print for medical products and test procedures. Stratasys offers the world’s most advanced 3D printing solutions, allowing medical manufacturers, doctors, and researchers to create parts for patient care and advanced experimental work.
Stratasys FDM and Polyjet machines offer Bio-compatible Materials, for rapid prototyping of medical and dental products including dental delivery devices, surgical orthopedic guides, and hearing aids. The medical materials offer excellent visualization and great dimensional stability.
·         3D Printing in Dental
We Make Digital Dentistry Happen. 3D printing takes the efficiencies of digital design to the production stage. By combining oral scanning, CAD/CAM design and 3D printing, dental labs can accurately and rapidly produce crowns, bridges, stone models and a range of orthodontic appliances.


The workings of a 3-dimensional printing machines are generally divided into three stages of the process: the first stage object modeling, second stage and third stage of completion of printing. Phase manufacture 3-dimensional objects can be created on a computer or a three-dimensional scanner. Phase printing using the basic principles of Additive Layer with the circuit design process of three-dimensional reading machine and began to systematically compile layer of the first layer / lows until the last / complete. on this layer merging 3D model is done automatically to form a complete arrangement intact. Of course with this technique can make any shape indefinitely. Finishing stage can manually so that part of the complex could be more perfect that may be caused by the size of which is not in accordance with the desired.

Some 3D Printer Brands

·         UP PLUS UP Mini 3D Printers and 3D Printer

·         Da Vinci produced by XYZ Printing Company Taiwan

·         Makerbot

One product that has entered the 3D printer in Indonesia are trademarks of Objet. Objet 3D printers use liquid resin production that injected every 16 micron / layer and will harden once exposed to UV light. The price in Indonesia 800jt cheapest and most expensive that 3 billion. He can print resin-hard, there is also that of rubber materials. Also can mix that rigid and rubber. To reply to the resin mix machines that Connex series. source: kaskus.co.id It turned out that the existing campuses in Indonesia with his courses material namely: 3D Scanning & Printing


irfan musthaf

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